Instalar Git


1. Descargar git

  • You have to be online all of the time as Android Studio downloads several updates!

  • Any git version should work. For example

  • Make sure to note down the installation path. Lo necesitará en el siguiente paso.

make git.exe available via Windows PATH

Make sure that you can call git.exe without the prefing path as Android Studio needs this to find git.exe. It will then automatically sets the path to git.exe correct in the Android Studio settings.

Ruta de acceso de instalación de Git

2. Establecer ruta de acceso de git en Android Studio

  • Open File > Settings

    Android Studio - abrir la configuración
  • Click the small triangle next to Version Control (1.) to open the sub-menu.

  • Click Git (2.).

  • Make sure update method «Merge» (3.) is selected.

  • Check if Android Studio can locate path to git.exe automatically by clicking the button «Test» (4.)

    Android Studio settings
  • If automatic setting is successful git version will be displayed.

  • Click «OK» in the dialog box (1.) and «OK» in the settings window (2.).

    Automatic git installation succeeded
  • In case file git.exe cannot be found click «OK» in the dialog box (1.) and then the button with the three dots (2.).

  • Use search function in windows explorer to find «git.exe» if you are unsure where it can be found. You are looking for git.exe located in binfolder.

  • Select path to git.exe and make sure you selected the one in \bin\ folder (3.) and click «OK» (4.).

  • Close settings window by clicking «OK» button (5.).

    Automatic git installation failed

3. Reinicio

  • Reboot your PC to update System Environment.

4. Comprobar configuración de git en Android Studio

  • Open Terminal window in Android Studio

  • Enter git --version (without quotation marks and no spaces between the two - [minus sign]!) and press Return

    git - -version
  • If git is installed and connected properly you will receive an information about the installed version that looks as follows:

    resultado git-version


  • Any git version should work. For example

  • Use homebrew to install git: `$ brew install git`.

  • For details on installing git see the official git documentation.

  • If you install git via homebrew there is no need to change any preferences. Just in case: They can be found here: Android Studio - Preferences.