Dexcom G6

Grundsätzliches vorab

  • Follow general CGM hygiene and setting sensor recommendation here.

Allgemeine Hinweise zum Closed Loop mit dem Dexcom G6

  • Recent transmitters are called Firefly. Sensors cannot be restarted without removing the transmitter, which itself cannot be reset, they also do not generate raw data.

  • If you are restarting sensors, ensure you are ready to calibrate and keep an eye on variation.

  • Das sogenannte “Pre-soaking” (Sensor früher ohne Transmitter setzen, damit er sich an die Gewebsflüssigkeit “gewöhnt”) mit Werkskalibrierung führt wahrscheinlich zu Abweichungen in den Glukosewerten. Falls Du mit “pre-soaking” arbeitest, wirst Du wahrscheinlich besser Ergebnisse erzielen, wenn Du den Sensor kalibrierst.

Read more in the article published by Tim Street at

Dexcom G6 mit xDrip+

  • If you are using a recent (Firefly) transmitter, preemptive restarts are ignored.

  • If you are using a modded transmitter you do not need to use preemptive restarts.

  • If you are using an old rebatteried transmitter, the safest thing to do is disable preemptive restarts. Though, in this case you will have to use the G6 in non-native mode (which is unadvisable as it disables factory calibration and doesn’t filter noisy readings), or else the sensor will stop after 10 days.

  • Der Dexcom G6-Transmitter kann gleichzeitig mit einem Dexcom-Empfänger (oder alternativ mit der t:slim-Pumpe) und einer App auf dem Handy verbunden werden.

  • When using xDrip+ as receiver uninstall the Dexcom app first. You cannot connect xDrip+ and Dexcom app with the transmitter at the same time!

  • If you need Clarity and want to profit from xDrip+ alarms use the BYODA with local broadcast to xDrip+. You can also use xDrip+ as a companion app of the official Dexcom app, but you might experience delays in BG readings.

  • If not already set up, download xDrip+ and follow the instructions on xDrip+ settings page.

  • Select xDrip+ in in ConfigBuilder, BG Source.

  • Adjust settings in xDrip+ according to xDrip+ settings page

G6 mit Build Your Own Dexcom App

BYODA broadcast options

  • Mit dieser App kannst du den Dexcom G6 mit jedem Android Smartphone verwenden.

  • Uninstall the original Dexcom app or patched Dexcom app if you used one of those previously (do not stop the currently running sensor)

  • Install the downloaded apk

  • Sensorcode und Seriennummer des Senders in der gepatchten App eingeben.

  • In phone settings go to apps > Dexcom G6 > permissions > additional permissions and press ‘Access Dexcom app’.

  • Innerhalb kurzer Zeit sollte BYODA das Transmitter-Signal aufnehmen.

Settings for AAPS

  • Select ‘Dexcom App (patched)’ in in ConfigBuilder, BG Source.

  • If you don’t receive any values select any other data source, then re-select ‘Dexcom App (patched)’ to trigger the demand for permissions to establish the connection between AAPS and BYODA-broadcast.

Einstellungen für xDrip+

  • Wähle ‘640G/Eversense’ als Datenquelle.

  • Command ‘start sensor’ must be performed in xDrip+ in order to receive values. This will not affect your current sensor controlled by Build Your Own Dexcom App.

Problembehandlung G6

Dexcom G6-spezifische Problembehandlung

  • Scroll down to Troubleshooting here.

Allgemeine Problembehandlung

General Troubleshooting for CGMs can be found here.

Neuer Transmitter bei laufendem Sensor

If you happen to change transmitter during a running sensor session you might try to remove the transmitter without damaging the sensor mount. A video can be found here. If you opt for this solution instead, you must be careful to avoid damaging sensor contacts with the strip.